Explore with Us - Canoe Point & the International Rift

When my husband and I purchased a boat in June, we were thrilled to start exploring the river. Having grown up boating, I could not wait to start making memories with my own family.

We started exploring places with our family, but realized when we were on our own - we did not know where to go. So I turned to the internet and social media, trying to learn of new places to explore, anchor, swim, etc. I searched, asked around and yet, could not find what I was looking for. If I could not find it, there must be more people looking for the same thing. The best way I could think of sharing our adventures is through a blog, where we can use it as a diary and update the best go-to places, give tips and even get ideas from you!

So where did we explore first? A tried and true beach at Canoe Point State Park on Grindstone Island. This is a short ride from Carnegie Bay Marina, going past Alexandria Bay toward Clayton and veering right at the Rock Island Lighthouse State Park after passing under the Thousand Island bridge. We continued around Wellesley Island, turning right before Picton Island, and arrived with the beach on our left. We went on both Saturday and Sunday, getting there early enough to back the boat up to the shallow water near the beach and anchoring. We were able to easily hop on and off the boat, enjoying the sandy area with our toddler. The water had a gentle wave, and was clear to reveal a sandy bottom. Boats came and left, families chatting with us from afar but kept their social distance. Many boats even anchored a bit further out in the bay, appreciating the calmer waters and access to the beach.

To get home, we decided to try a different route. We followed Wellesley Island around, hugging the shore closely to stay in American waters and entered the International Rift. The International Rift is divided by the US and Canadian border, with Hill Island, Ontario on one side, and Wellesley Island on the other. This tranquil passing gives boaters a unique view of the river. After exiting the Rift, we entered Lake of the Isles and followed Wellesley Island the rest of the way around to return to the marina.

My goal through this medium is to provide you with adventures to take in the Thousand Islands. There are so many places to explore, I am hoping that we can explore them together. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please send them our way.

Where to next?